Model KJ8C DC Ophthalmoscope, the illumination is average, and the perfect optics system offers a clear image of eyeground, it is very convenient to operate Besides it is easy to catch with. You can put it in your pocket, and the instrument's outward appearance is very beautiful.
Illumination form: Large light spot( φ 3.2mm), Small light spot( φ 1.6mm), Slit, Central-net, Readfree filter Diopter
Compensation: 0, ± 1D, ± 2D, ± 3D, ± 4D, ± 5D, ± 6D, ± 8D, ± 10D, ± 12D, ± 16D, ± 20D, -25D
Illumination source: 2.6V/1.6W Mini- incandescent bulb
Input Power supply: DC 2/5 dry cell battery and 2/1.5dry cell battery